[MBDyn-users] Stream output

Rudi Jaeger rudijaeger at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 31 18:22:33 CET 2007

Dear Dr. Masarati,

could you please provide an example of a stream output (like
the one included in the Simulink-pendulum example) which
provides nodal information like position etc..

I think I tried everything like:

stream output: 1,
        stream name, "MBXINN",
        create, yes,
        port, 10011,
            1, structural, string, "Phi[3]";

were the "1" before "structural" refers to structural node with label 1.
The main problem is that I do not understand the syntax of:

(node_dof) <output_dof>

in the input manual.

Sincerely yours,
Rudi Jaeger

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